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How to Make a Vase out of Papier Mache? Art & Design at Astor International School

Vanessa Ford

Papier-mâché is great for forming and making products that will last a length of time! It is also a great way to get students involved in an engaging, practical learning task that links Art, Design, History, and Science! Students at Astor International School used the papier-mâché technique to create a vase for the ’AD 900’ history-based International Primary Curriculum (IPC) project with a twist of colours.

First, you will need a balloon. Blow it up to around 18cm wide and add a piece of card formed into a round tube shape, at the top of the balloon. This will form the neck of the vase. Then combine flour and water to create a paste. Use rectangle strips and square pieces of newspaper to form a layer to the surface of the balloon. After one layer has dried and hardened, add another three layers, and let each one dry before adding another layer to strengthen the vase and create a solid structure.

Once all four structures are dry, if you want to add a colourful coat, you should paint your vase white with a few coats until the newspaper is no longer visible. You can then draw on a design and colour it using acrylic paint to make it vibrant and stand out.

Makes 1 big batch

Preparation time 10 minutes

To make a vase out of papier-mâché you will need:

  • Old newspaper, comics or magazines

  • 1 level mug of plain flour

  • 1 level mug of warm water, plus extra tap water for loosening


1. Tear or cut strips or little squares from your newspaper, comics or magazines according to the project you’re working on. Do this first before you make the paste so that the paste doesn’t set while you’re cutting.

2. Stir together the flour and warm water in a large mixing bowl until well combined. Add extra tap water, a little at a time to loosen. You want a smooth, batter-like paste with no lumps. You can sift the flour first for a super smooth finish.

3. Cover your work area in old newspapers. Dip the paper strips in the paste, wipe off the excess on the side of the bowl and stick onto your project. Use a paintbrush to smooth down the paper and remove any air bubbles or excess paste. Repeat to cover and leave to dry before adding further layers.

Look at how students at Astor International School spent the past few weeks creating and designing their own vases using a range of simple and easy to use resources.


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